The 60-Day Trial Separation: For Couples Who Want Their Marriage to Work (eBook)

The 60-Day Trial Separation: For Couples Who Want Their Marriage to Work (eBook)
When couples have insurmountable problems, they commonly see divorce as the only remaining solution. What they don't know—there is another solution—doing a planned, 60-day trial separation. This structured marital repair approach is for couples who want to make their marriage work but need a break from their relationship to fix what's wrong.
If you are reading this eBook, you are either contemplating a marital separation or have discussed the topic with your spouse.
The 60-Day Trial Separation provides a template to help you to structure your time apart. To do this, you will be introduced to writing a separation agreement that sets a solid foundation to follow during your time apart. The resulting contract will specify the rules, expectations, and goals for all aspects of your life: finances, living arrangements, parenting, communication, shared time with family, friends, and as a couple, counseling, and even dating.
Clarifying your time apart will help you and your spouse eliminate the uncertainty during this time. Having a road map to follow will allow you to lessen the fear and anxiety that comes with a lack of direction.