How to Take Care of Yourself During Divorce | Relationship Worksheet | Divorce Worksheet | Self-Care | Therapy Worksheet | Relationship Tool

How to Take Care of Yourself During Divorce | Relationship Worksheet | Divorce Worksheet | Self-Care | Therapy Worksheet | Relationship Tool
This 5-page instantly downloadable relationship worksheet will help you take care of yourself during divorce or a relationship breakup. Page one is not a fillable form but the last three pages are. This therapy worksheet is the perfect self care worksheet to help you examine your relationship and get a realistic picture of the needs it truly met and those it did not.
The second half of the relationship worksheet is a goal sheet to help you set simple goals to strengthen all 8 areas of your health.
Divorce is a time of great upheaval and the best thing you can do to help get through the "war" is to put the effort into keeping yourself strong.
For additional worksheets and relationship ebooks visit my Etsy store at
Nothing will be mailed to you. The worksheets are digital and downloadable.
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